
Tuesday, August 26, 2014

New news

Let me tell you about this kid! A lot has changed in the last 10 months or so.
Eating - He pretty much eats everything. He absolutely loves fruit, especially blueberries. It's guaranteed that he'll eat that if nothing else. But he also eats a variety of vegetables. He enjoys avocado but does not like uncooked tomatoes. He'll definitely try most things at least once. I'm enjoying this while it lasts because I know it'll change as he gets older.

Sleeping - how things have changed since my last post. He used to be a great sleeper, going down by 7, with no peep until 6. Now he wakes up occasionally, wanting to be rocked back to sleep! And we oblige lest he keeps us all up since he still sleeps 2 ft from me. Either we rock him or *gasp* he ends up in our bed snuggled next to me [and kicking his dad out]. I know we need to stop this but it's a hard habit to break considering our sleeping arrangements. Not looking forward to weaning this when we move. 

Accomplishments - Talking talking talking! Running and climbing. More talking!  He says at least fifty words if not more. I'm pretty sure he's saying a couple sentences too. He knows how old he is. He signs only milk, more and please. We're dabbling in potty training. He's peed in the toilet maybe 5-6 times.  If it happens, it's fine. If not, it's fine too. He knows sounds that dog, cow, duck, horse and sheep make. He almost knows them all on sight. 

New friends - He had one friend at daycare named Toni who was his age. They were cute little buddies in crime. Lately Daddy has been his friend as well as Nate but not much socializing with friends since he left daycare when school ended. Soon to change when we head closer to home!  He is starting to show some love to his stuffed lamb (who I started cashing baby sheep" and his bear from Granddaddy.