
Monday, July 27, 2015

Two and a half

If I could tell you the half of it...

I love this little boy, even with the frustrations of twoness that are added by default

Xavi Speak:
phome = phone
circup = circle
spoom  = spoon
ah = the
ah wacum = you're welcome
What's  'at soun? = what's that sound? - when he hears anything he doesn't know or just to confirm what he already knows

He's such the talker now. Full sentences, the whole bit.
He'll tell you his name, age and birthday and we're working on spelling his name.
Colors are another thing....he knows pink for sure :/

He likes to sing and dance.  You can find him singing songs on his own now
Backyardigans is right up his alley

We are not potty trained though he still likes to go. Just no awareness otherwise. Evidenced by pooping on the floor last weekend during a naked morning - " Look mommy! Xavier poop on ah floor!"

He sleeps all night maybe 4 nights a week. Still in a crib thank goodness
He puts himself to sleep
This transition has been pretty seamless.
I pray with him each night, sometimes sing, but mostly just play music for him...which he sets up on the iPad himself

He started a swim classes at the beginning of the month, this week is the last week. It's gone pretty well..he's not as afraid of getting his face wet though he still requests "no eyes, mommy!" when he doesn't want to get his face wet

Enjoys fresh/ dried fruits, pizza, chicken fingers, some Indian foods, most veggies, grilled cheese
Happily drinks water and milk with occasional juice
Does not like macaroni and cheese, tacos, spaghetti, burgers

Growing and thriving in daycare
Sweet and polite, remembers his please and thank yous
Says bless you for any cough or sneeze
Currently fascinated with hiccups
No problems making friends wherever he goes