
Saturday, February 23, 2013

The first 25 days...

It's been 25 days and he's rocked our world...
First name Xavier (pronounced zay'-vee-er),
middle name Leon.
We simply liked the first name and it stuck...But the middle name is after my dad.
Though I tried to be careful with these things, it turns out his initials are XL...Lord, I hope he stays skinny.

My very first night with him in the hospital, he slept like an angel...didn't really make a peep. I almost forgot that you had to be fed and changed...
But then you realized that we (read: I) had the food and you didn't forget it...
I nursed him from the beginning, adamant that I didn't want him having formula if possible. But by the time I got home from the hospital I had so much milk he couldn't latch on. And when he did it was torture. I didn't want to feed him! He cried for food, then I cried cause I was supposed to give it. I gave in and asked J to go get formula and a breast pump. I needed a break.
By the next evening I was able to breastfeed him again. I started googling about breastfeeding and latching and facebooking friends that I knew exclusively nursed. The internet is wonderful. So is lanolin. And still almost 4 weeks later, his latch isn't perfect but it's tolerable. He's getting milk and seems to be gaining weight well. I keep trying but I won't push it.
Clusterfeeding...someone look it up. It's basically when babies request to feed more often than usual for a few hours a day. Xavier started this a little over a week ago...cried for milk every hour. Usually in the evening. Sometimes in the day, sometimes in the middle of the night (I wanted to die). I started to think I wasn't making enough milk. But alas the internet is great and reassured me that the craziness is not due to lack of milk but probably a growth spurt. And I should appease him as he desired so that my body makes enough milk to keep up with his growth. It's hard. You just get him fed and quiet and pass him off to the husband and he cries, rooting away and sucking at air and clothes and fingers and husband asks, is it time for him to eat and you want to pull your hair out cause "I just fed him 45 minutes ago!" "It only last 3-4 days", says the internets, but my Xavier didn't read that part and this has gone on for now 8ish days. I believe the end is near...

And on that note, X is up from his nap...
Next post...just pics :)

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