
Saturday, July 6, 2013

3 months...

Sooooo I wrote a really long post about how awesome he was at 3 months and I come back to find out it never this is a slightly abridged version of all of his 3 month awesomeness

Height: 23"
Weight: 13lbs 10 oz!
Sleeping patterns: you started out your 3rd month sleeping through the night. As in sleeping from 9pm-7am. I was ecstatic as I'd JUST started back to work and the next day you were sleeping through. Simply amazing. However! This must have just been a growth spurt thing because you went back to waking every 3-4 hours to eat a few days later. *sigh* But you've always gone right back to sleep so I didn't mind as much. Work in progress...

Eating: still I'm pumping...There were grand plans to pump at work and nurse at home but gosh it's hard pumping and working as a resident of a small residency. It was just hard to keep up every 3 hours. So we started supplementing with formula toward the end of the month... You took this well, though I didn't as much. I refused to be the one feeding you a bottle of formula and nursed you as much as I could when at home.

New discoveries: your hands/especially your thumb...I think that was the source of those few nights of long sleep. You'd fuss a little then pop you thumb in your mouth and then ::silence::  =)

Accomplishments: reaching for things/holding toys

Places: You started staying with a babysitter this month. I was nervous about the whole thing...but even more nervous about daycare so we decided to have a sitter, at least until summer time.

New friends: your big cousins - Reed, Sanaa and Kam. Pastor Cowart - who came for a visit one day [one of the greatest feelings was having Pastor Coward pray for you the night before he left. It was a such a blessing to hear those words spoken over you. You are a much loved child]. Babysitter Cassandra and her kids Dylan and Courtney

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